It’s All a Giant Puzzle!

I am currently preparing for fall registration. In the middle of trying to figure out which classes I need to take and at what times, I realized that I was playing a game. As lame as it might be, registering for classes online is like trying to solve a giant puzzle.  For me, registration is like a puzzle type game because you have to match up which classes you need with the times they are offered. For example, pretend for a moment that you need to take Strategic Management and Intro to Christian Theology. However, both of these classes are offered at the same time. So you, as a “player,” have to decide which class is more important and which one best fits into your schedule. You may find that the more classes you have completed, the more challenging the registration game becomes. This is because you have completed more and more levels, and your choices become more and more narrowed depending on the trail (major) you choose. While this game can be rather frustrating at times, it is always a rewarding feeling to be able to organize all the classes you need into a working schedule and to be accepted into the classes you chose. : )

*This is a sample table of what a class schedule might look like.*


  1. bboessen Said:

    So true. I think you might really appreciate what Jane McGonigal has to say in her new book (Reality is Broken) about the way game-like systems can help people cope with real life — many of your insights about your life are similar to hers.

    Check it out if you have the chance.

  2. cwhite10 Said:

    I feel the same way!!!! My registration has been one big game since last week (thank you Biology department) and I have been going through this puzzle. Thankfully I believe it is all sorted out. I beat you AC registration, HA!

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